Saturday, April 24, 2010

Checkered Flower

I love these fritillaria meleagris flowers and although we planted many bulbs, only one appears each year. It is right outside my studio window and I just can't help myself by studying the structure of the bloom. It is so intriguing to me how the checkered pattern can appear and really stand out on such a miniature flower. The whole plant is only as tall as my hand yet it has such captivating powers over the artist in me. Wouldn't you have loved to be the one to create this tiny wonder? I know I would have liked it very much. Add the gentle curve of the stem and you have a perfect hanging specimen so to speak. I will be adding more of these bulbs and hopefully can improve their population, I will keep you posted about the effort. I hope you have been taking time to appreciate all things great and small in the world around you because you never know what it might inspire in your creative side!

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