Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Some Thesaurus words for "spirit" - air, ardor, backbone, boldness, character, courage, dauntlessness, energy, essence, force, grit, heart, life, mood, motivation, nerve, oomph, outlook, psyche, resolution, sparkle, spunk, substance, vigor, warmth, willpower, zest.

I took this class at a local scrapbook store because of the quote. Love it!! All the added elements support this tag which to me is the focus of the piece. What do you think? Is it where you look first? I am always drawn to text. You know that already. After all my blog is called "words of art" and that pretty much tells you a lot about myself and my art. Inspiration can come anywhere but give me a dictionary, thesaurus, rhyming guide, even a translation book and I am in seventh heaven - ahhhh. So, what does the quote encourage you to try? I hope it is something wild and wonderful sprinkled with oomph!

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