Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Flying Lessons Blog Hop

"You are an artist" is hard to say. Admitting "you are a powerful artist" is a challenge to give yourself everyday. Making a living from something you love to do is not for everyone. It is a long and stressful world sometimes but you learn to give yourself a break, make goals, dream big, discover new possibilities and most of all, embrace your curious nature no matter where it takes you. Although I have been "making art" for a living for the past 15 years, I sometimes lose my way and find my artistic muse wandering off for a spark of inspiration herself leaving me behind. I decided to give the e-course "Flying Lessons" by Kelly Rae Roberts this year as a present to my creative self and I couldn't be happier with the results. A new found freedom to believe in unlimited possibilities, be open for new opportunities and to remember why you love what you are doing so much. The class helped me focus on community by forming a tribe that experienced the lessons with enthusiasm, support and some trepidation. In the end, we are standing together and making changes, choices and saying out loud, "I am an artist!"

If you like what you see, don’t forget to subscribe, like and follow us!!!
Amaranthine Violet: http://magic-gypsy.blogspot.com/
Amy Hillenbrand: http://amyhillenbrand.blogspot.com/
Beatriz Peñas B.: http://beatrizbepe.blogspot.com/
Beth Cougler Blom: http://sobliss.wordpress.com/
Carmen Patti: http://carmenpattistudio.com/wordpress/
Carol Bray: http://theredpaintedcottage.blogspot.com/
Christina Fajardo: http://christinafajardo.blogspot.com/
Cindy Jones Lantier: http://www.lantier.org/
Connie Rawlins : http://www.dabblinginlife.blogspot.com/
Dana Brock: http://www.dzynbydana.blogspot.com/
Deborah Velásquez : http://deborahvelasquez.blogspot.com/
Elissa Brown: http://thefreckledarmy.blogspot.com/
Hillary Courson: http://www.hillarycourson.com/
Jacquie Williamson: http://www.jacquiewilliamson.blogspot.com/
Jane Paynting: http://inkspiredwings.wordpress.com/
Janet Forrest: http://tatterednworn.wordpress.com/
Jennifer DeVille: http://www.facebook.com/l/rAQHjecOGAQEKMejHlK_lF6a6CPxcpvVNt6DCIKddolIhYg/jenniferdeville.com/blog/
Jill Lambert : http://www.jill-lambert.blogspot.com/
Julie Hamilton: http://spaark.wordpress.com/
Kanchan Mahon: http://Kanchan-Mahon.blogspot.com/
Karen Claverie: http://giddyupletsride.blogspot.com/
Kari DeSaulnier: http://karidesi.blogspot.com/
Kathleen Conard : http://newfromoldcreations.blogspot.com/
Kathleen McKinnon: http://harmonyschoolhouse.com/expressions-blog.html
Kathy May: http://kathymaydesigns.org/
Kelly Corso: http://birdinatreecreations.blogspot.com/
Kelly Hoernig: http://www.kellyhoernig.blogspot.com/
Kim Hyer: http://www.apaperaddict.com/
Kris Lanae Binsfeld: http://cherishdesigns.wordpress.com/
Lenore Angela: http://www.lenoreangela.blogspot.com/
Linda Barutha: http://lindabaruthadesigns.blogspot.com/
Lisa Michele Products:http://www.lisamicheleproducts.blogspot.com/
Liza Zeni Baker: http://lizazeni.wordpress.com/
Lynn Richards: http://alittlebluesky.blogspot.com/
Lori Leissner: http://leissnerart.blogspot.com/
Lori Moon: http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com/
Mary Cottingham: http://www.barnbugstudio.blogspot.com/
Mary Sterk: http://justmarydesigns.wordpress.com/
Megan Schmitt: http://www.schmittenwithwords.blogspot.com/
Melanie Douthit: http://www.douthitgallery.blogspot.com/
Michelle Dwyer: http://www.magnetisedbylife.com/
Michelle Reynolds: http://shellsinthebush.blogspot.com/
Rachél Payne (Rae): http://collectingyourself.wordpress.com/
Rain Hannah: http://honeyandollie.com/
Rhiannon Connelly: http://www.starrybluesky.wordpress.com/
Ruth-Mary Smith: http://patchworkfamilieshub.blogspot.com/
Sherry Richert Belul:http://simplycelebrate.net/cherry-blossom-soup
Shirley Ann: http://leonardarenaissancewoman.blogspot.com/
Stacey ChadwickBrown: http://staceybrownarts.blogspot.com/
Susan M. Walls-Beverly:http://www.susanscharmingtrinkets.blogspot.com/
Teresa Cash-Czech: http://www.asmilemaker.com/
Tina Carlborg: http://www.tinachicky.blogspot.com/
Tonya Love: http://passport2creativity.com/
Ursula Smith: http://www.EasyScraps.com/blog
Zulma Cadena: http://edustory.wordpress.com/
Mary Cottingham http://www.barnbugstudio.blogspot.com/


  1. Hello Kelly, I love your artwork and your latest inspired piece is wonderful. A beautifully written post, thankyou for your contribution and continual inspiration. It's been wonderful to have met you. Liza x

  2. Beautifully written! So looking forward to getting to know you better!


  3. Great Blog Kelly!! You are an artist!!! Kathy May

  4. Hi Kelly, I love the art you created. Great blog!

  5. Kelly, Your art is beautiful.... love that you highlighted Curiosity and gave it wings!!! So cool! I agree, it was hard for me to admit that I am an artist and sadly, it wasn't until I signed an artist license agreement that I allowed myself to admit that I am an artist.I just didn't feel worthy! Your art is beautiful and it is awesome to be in the company of an artist like you! Thanks for hopping! Kris

  6. YAY YOU Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Well-written, as always! You are branching out with your art and the results are great! I am learning to embrace my curious nature - a little scary at times, but much more fun! Thanks for all the support, encouragement, and accountability!

  8. Kelly- luv'd your post and your art for today. I also luv'd the photo in your previous post! I need to circle back with you to find out what course you took. I want to take photos like that ;)

  9. Your art and your photography is beautiful. Glad that you're flying with our tribe.

  10. I agree - it is a daily challege to be and think of yourself as an artist but it is also so exciting isnt it?

  11. Beautiful words, love your art, thank you for being part of the Fly Tribe.

  12. I love what you said about calling ourselves Artist. This is something I have recently started doing and not only is it fun but it makes me feel proud. Thanks for your words today.

  13. wonderful message - and yes, you are an artist. I love the curiosity piece above.

  14. "Embrace your curious nature no matter where it takes you." LOVE the message in today's post. Thanks for the inspiration. :-)

  15. Awesome post! I'm so glad to have you in our tribe Kelly;D

  16. LOVE the art you created for this Hop. You are so talented. Love your Blog too :)

  17. Kelly, yours is a blog that I am glad to have as part of our hop, because I haven't come upon it yet! We all can share in your sentiment about being artists. So thankful for this group and all its support throughout our adventures! Thanks for your beautiful work... very inspirational.

  18. Hi Kelly great to have you in our group.Saying out loud I am an Artist! right along beside you. Jane x

  19. I'm so glad to have been blessed to belong to a tribe of artists like you!

  20. Cool piece! Totally connect with you about the wondering artist wandering off looking for inspiration...lol

  21. great post Kelly!! its great to be in the fly tribe with you x

  22. Kelly, it's fun being an artist with you. Congrats on the success of your blog. It's a lovely place. I love your little angel images. Sweet, sweet! ...Rae
